A Day of Travel
I knew this was going to be a long day. We basically traversed the country, flying right over lunch hour, and then it was a two-hour odyssey to the hotel, creeping along the 401 and the 404.

See that? On the building, there? That's a Maple Leaf. A CANADIAN Maple Leaf. You just can't fake that kind of thing.
We’re staying at the Bond Place, a downtown, swanky hotel that has ZERO sense of humor. I asked for the Goldfinger Suite and they just stared at me. Maybe that means something else to Canadians than it does to Ian Fleming fans.

Hotel room or Ikea Floor Display? You decide!
This place is an Ikea catalog come to life. I’m afraid to touch anything. Tomorrow we have some logistics to take care of, so everyone is taking it easy tonight. I may just order a pizza. With shrimp on it. Yeah, they do that in Canada.
Oh, and I figured out what’s wrong with my cell phone. I have NO data capabilities here, because there’s no Canadian carrier that recognizes US Cellular’s authoritah. So I’ll be uploading the old fashioned way, at night, until we get on the road. I hope you’ll all be patient as we struggle through our technological limitations.
Everyone keep thinking good thoughts. I’ll have some more to talk about, and some more pics, tomorrow.
April 28th, 2012 at 5:40 pm
One way to tell if it is an IKEA display or real is to try the television – does it turn on or is it a mock up. Other than that, you got me. Oh yea – are there arrows on the floor or tiny pencils in the drawers?