Unpacked and Ready for More

Sorry it took so long to update this space again, folks, but for some reason or another, when we got back to Vernon, we were extremely tired. I know, weird, right?

Well, the collection is safe and sound and the truck has been returned, and so we begin a new chapter in the ongoing project. This one involves getting some promised funds from the H.O.T. committee, which are necessary to creating the space that will become the collection’s permanent home. Along the way, we’ll have a fundraiser or two (or three, or four) to help us scare up some volunteers and some more funds for additional materials necessary to this collection and its maintenance.

And yet, even though I’m enjoying sleeping in my own bed, I find myself craving a Tim Horton’s coffee and cruller, and yes, even poutine. Hey, don’t knock it ’til you’ve tried it, folks. It was a wonderful trip and I know I speak for all of us on the board when I say we will cherish the deepening friendships we forged while in Toronto and look forward to seeing the family again when we get ready to open and christen the museum properly.

Please stay plugged in for more updates. I’ll try to give you regular reports on what is going on and our progress. Thanks everyone for your well-wishes, both on the road and off. We appreciate the support and are so glad to finally be moving forward with our plans.

Dateline: Vernon

Jackson resumed his duties as forward lookout with aplomb.

Incredible as it seems, we are home. All of us. Me, Mike, Jackson, and of course, Jack Teagarden. We are all very tired, and there’s still much more to do. But the first leg of this incredible journey is over.

We drove from Indianapolis to Vernon today. It was a long, difficult, and uncomfortable trip, but the closer we got to Texas, the better we felt.

Mike contemplates the smell of two guys and a moose in a truck cab for over twenty hours.

The best advantage to starting early in the morning is that we got to see some amazing scenery for most of the day. Our only real traffic tangle happened in St. Louis, but gave us two opportunities: a chance to eat real food (as opposed to something we picked up at a Stucky’s at a dead run, as if we were participating in the Cannonball Run or something), and the chance to take this lovely snapshot:

As usual, I shot twenty of these to get one nice one.

There were lulls on the road, of course. Jackson wanted to sing folk songs, but we dissuaded him from starting anything in a round. We mostly talked about the funny signs we saw along the way; billboards that proclaimed “Two Antique Malls and a Yarn Shop,” for example. We imagined the conversation going something like this:

Fred: Hey, looka there, Hon. Not just one, but two, two antiques malls!

Midge: Oh, Fred. You imbecile. If you’ve seen one antiques mall, you’ve seen them all. Now, what I wouldn’t give for a real, honest-to-goodness yarn shop, like they are always showing in the movies…

Fred: (spying the billboard) Hey, Hon, guess what? You just got Christmas in July!

Jackson grabs the camera while I'm distracted counting license plates.

So, to recap: from Canada, to Michigan, to Indiana, to Illinois, to Michigan, to Oklahoma, and finally to Texas. The collection is fine. It was expertly packed. Tomorrow we’ll unload and store it, and then we begin the next phase of the project. I’ll have some wrap-up thoughts about the trip, as well.

I’m tired, but I’m so very happy. We did it. We brought Jack home.

Dateline: Indianapolis

We’re American citizens again! All of us except Jackson, who loudly announced his intention to defect at the border. Luckily, the border guards were too busy extracting a promise that we would never try to do anything like this ever again. Easiest “Yes, Ma’am” me and Mike ever said.

We had most of the day to kill, and so we killed it at Tim Horton’s. Seriously, when are we going to get one? Half as expensive as Starbucks, twice as delicious, and exponentially less pretentious. What’s not to like? Well, we learned that even Tim Horton’s for six hours waiting can be a little much, especially since both Mike and I had no desire or intention of spending another night in Canada. Especially not Sarnia. It was kinda like being in the Brownwood of Canada, you know what I am saying?

And incidentally, I may not have used all of my Canadian money, but I definitely used up all of my Canadian Karma. Our parting order of 20 TimmBites (slightly bigger, infinitely more tasty donut holes) was overstuffed to capacity because the kid at the counter learned that we were from Texas and waxed enthusiastic about our lack of safety laws in the U.S. He had fond memories of visiting Houston and riding go-carts “without a helmet or nothing! Just the wind in my hair, eh?” Yeah, I know, you never know what’s going to spin someone’s crank shaft.

When we stopped at the Wal-mart (yep, they are everywhere) for some electrical do dad we needed for the cell phone, I decided to make a pit stop. Mike said, “You go, and I’ll get in line.” No problem. I performed my Canadian ablutions and then hustled back to the line, stopping only to grab a few KinderEggs in the process. I stepped into the line and started telling Mike about what I’d scored when someone behind me said, “You can’t do that. You have to go to the back of the line.”

Now, we were next up. There was a large line, feeding into three express lane checkers. Thinking she didn’t understand, I said, “No, we’re together.”

She replied, “But you weren’t with him the whole time he was in line.”

“Lady, I was in the bathroom,” I said.

Now, it’s our turn. The cashiers are looking at us expectantly. More people in line are starting to speak up. “Get to the back!” “That’s not fair, eh?” and so forth.

I was stunned. I really didn’t know what to say. They were serious, and they were mad. In Texas, this is not a big deal in that there’s always a mother sending a child to get “one more thing” and I figured hey, we were doing good because Mike wasn’t holding up a checker. “Are we really going to make a big deal about this?” I said.

One of the guys behind the lady who originally spoke said, “Well, you’re time is clearly more valuable than ours, so you just go on ahead there, eh.”

I started to reply, but Mike pulled me out of line. We got behind another line, this one governed by a woman who could not scan more than three items in a row before turning away to talk to someone. Mike pointed out to me that the time we spent dealing with the angry express line customers would have been better spent just letting us make our purchases and go.

So, the lesson learned here is this: Canadians are wonderful people, unless they are in line. Then they are an angry mob. Or maybe Wal-Mart just brings it out in everyone up North, as well.

All was not lost, however. We found this:

The Beer Store. Simple, honest, and direct.

It would have been wrong not to bring back some Moosehead lager for our friends and family who couldn’t go with us. And so that’s exactly what we did. We first had to look at the options, though:
I think it was Carl Sagan who wrote, "My God. It's full of beer..."

The whole time I was in the store, I kept wanting to ask for Elsinor Beer, a la from Strange Brew. Oh, how I miss Bob and Doug McKinzie.

After all of that, we made it back over the border and started driving as fast as we could. Jackson kept wanting to drive, but I read on several billboards that Moose are responsible for 50% of the automobile accidents in Canada, so that was right out. Instead, we gave him the job of forward navigator. “Look for moose,” I told him.

“Can do!” he crowed. “I’m just like Chewbacca!”

“Nearly just, Jackson. Nearly just.”

In Brightest Day, in Blackest Night, no moose shall e'er escape his sight...

We crossed through three state lines tonight. Jackson didn’t last long. He’s had a hard couple of days. We left him in the truck and are turning in for a quick snooze.

More later.

Let’s try this again

I think the plan is to hole up at Tim Horton’s until we get the go-ahead. When Tim Horton’s finally comes to America (meaning, of course, Texas), it’s going to kill every other coffee place. No one in the Southwest likes Dunkin’ Donuts anyway, but I think even Starbuck’s will take a hit. And it’ll all be because of the crullers. Oh, sweet delicious crullers. Dunkin’ can’t make ’em right, and no other donut chain will touch ’em. Only Timmy’s.

But that’s not the point, here. The point is this: I’m crossing the border today if I have to pole vault over it.
More updates later tonight. Or sooner, if I get my data streaming back.